I’ve been editing for ten years, most recently working as the Poetry Editor for Baobab Press, teaching graduate and undergraduate publishing classes as the faculty editor of the Sierra Nevada Review, and working with manuscripts in Sierra Nevada University’s low-residency MFA Program. Depending on your needs, we can structure a consultation that includes a Skype meeting or phone call, written feedback, revision exercises, suggested reading, and follow-up consultations. Please get in touch for more info: laura [dot] wetherington [at] gmail [dot] com.
“I appreciate Laura’s insight, questions, probes, enthusiasm, openness, curiosity, interest and genuine joy when discussing my short stories. I finally feel like I’m on my way to finding the best voice and shape for them. I’ve had trouble figuring out what to do, and she validates what I strive to accomplish.”—Marianne
“Laura was one of my one-on-one mentors in the MFA program at Sierra Nevada College. She was one of the most involved, encouraging, and professional teachers I have ever had. Laura pushed me to read more, dive deeper, and write better poems, while at the same time honoring my own processes and understanding any struggles I was having. Laura has remained interested and involved long after our time as teacher and student. I cannot recommend her highly enough!” —LouAnn
“Laura is able to sense out the specific energies and flows within a work and orient the manuscript toward those strengths by working closely with you to ensure that you are writing and creating the best work you possibly can. She is compassionate, firm, has a wide breadth of knowledge in poetry and publishing, and without her input and guidance I’m not sure I’d be as confident as an artist as I am now.” —Bryce
“I worked with Laura during my MFA at Sierra Nevada College. Her real world experience as a professional poet and educator provided me with the resources I needed to push my writing to the next level. She has a strong sense of manuscript mechanics and brings a high-level of focus to each poem, down to individual lines. After my time spent working with Laura not only did I come away with a firmer understanding of what a poem is, but her instruction gave me a stronger understanding of what a manuscript is, and how it should function as a piece of art—an education that has been invaluable to me as writer and a learner, one that will have a long lasting impact on my work.” —Curtis
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